18 apr 2010
John was at our seminar giving a speech about achieving level of a blue belt after awarding six blue belts. Many people have the perception BJJ blue belt is insignifcant just like any color belt before achieving the black and especially it is the first color belt after white. But they do not know to be a blue belt takes lots lots lots of hard sweat and dedication on the mat. Countless of hours grappling. Some have said "getting a blue belt in BJJ is harder than getting a black belt ..." So what is the criteria to be a blue?
First, proficient in the art.
You have to understand well enough to teach and be proficient in the art.
Second,be respectful
Grappling is a tough sport which it might bring out the best or worst in us. But being respectful, it will put things back to perspective. As a blue belt, one should set a good example or role model to others
Third, responsible
Blue belt should also be responsible of the safety of his peers and their growth in the art.
Congrats to Richard Betts (Black Gi), Ivan Chua (third from the left, top row), Nicholas Yong (fifth from the left, top row) Maher (with the Goatie), Jeff Devens (second from the left , bottom row), Matthew Simon Chua (camouflage gi).
Very Well Deserved!!!