
Free Introductory Class on 30 Apr 2011 at 1pm

Getting tired of always catching up with the pace of the class or be the only one in class not knowing as much as the rest of class because you have missed a few months of classes. Reasons due to injureis, work commitment, personal problems or etc...

Good news!!! We are going to give a free introductory class. We will be covering the fundamental and basics which are extremely essentail of building a strong foundation for your growth in BJJ. You are the main priority. Everybody can progress together as a class. Before we can proceed further, we need to have minimum number of students before we can start a whole a new class. That is there the introductory class comes on, it will give us an insight if we will have enough students. If the minimum number is not met, the plan for a new beginner class will not proceed.

Register now. Email ne to register for an introductory class on 30 apr 2011 at 1pm . Details will be further announced in the class. Looking forward to seeing you there.